Західний науковий центр НАН України і МОН України

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Ministry Of Education and Science of Ukraine
Western Scientific Center
Institute Of Socio-Humanitarian Problems of Person

Socio-Humanitarian Problems Of Person № 1, 2005


A Word to the Reader 5

Philosophical Bases of Mental Existence of Person and Society

Mel’nyk Volodymyr. The Scientific and Technical Realities in the Humanistic Dimension 8
Kashuba Mariya. Gender Analysis in the Traditional Ukrainian Society 17
Pashuk Andriy. I. Franko about the National Ideal as the Spiritual Basis of the State Independence and of the National Independence of the Ukrainian People 25
Ryzhak Lyudmyla. Philosophical and World-view Bases of Education in Ukraine in Conditions of the European Integration 34

Social and Political Problems of Person

Romanyuk Anatoliy. The Essence and Main Approcahes to the Definition of Social and Political Cleavages 41
Denysenko Valeriy., Makukh Oksana. Conceptual-political Analysis of the Power`s Legitimacy in the Context of Political Communication 48
Rura Myroslava. The Idea of Political Justice in the Works of J. Rawls and F. Hayek 54
Prunak Mariya. Liberalism Challenged, but not Rejected 59
Chetverikova Larysa. The Essence of Social Policy and Analysis of Its Models in Social States 67
Kopystyans’ka Khrystyna, Tsapok Serhiy, Bidak Volodymyr. Study on Immigrational Motivation of Intellegentsia in the Context of Development of Intellectual Potential 75

Psychological Issues of Society in Period of Transformation

Hrabovs’ka Sofiya The Phenomenon of the "Demanding" Behavior: Social and Psychological Analysis 84
Halets’ka Inna. The Psychological Factors of Social Adaptation… 91
Vasyutyns’ky Vadym. Interpersonal Interaction in the Theories of Contemporary Ukrainian Psychologists 101
Ovdiyenko Lyubov. Political Culture of Schoolchildren: Cognitive Constituent 106
Partyko Tetyana. Psychological Determinants of Internal Dependence of Girls in Prepubertate Period 112
Pylat Nataliya. The Problem of Conflict Nature of Human Relations from the Standpoint of Philosophical, Sociological and Psychological Interpretations 119
Skotna Nadiya. Problem of Personality in the Dimension of Civilization. 127

Religious, moral and ethical dimensions of contemporary culture

Vas’kiv Andriy. Social and Political Positions of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church 138
Yurash Andriy. Orthodox-Catholic Relations in Contemporary Ukraine: General Discourse and Particular Problems 145
Lishchyns’ka Ol’ha. Main Principles of Modern Bioethics 152


Boruts’ky Stepan, Vas’kiv Andriy. Review on the book of David Gooding and John Lennox "The Human Quest for Significance: Forming a World-View." 159
Polishchuk Mykola. What political systems the civilized world chooses? Review on the book of Anatoliy Romanyuk "Comparative Analysis of Political Systems of Western Europe: Institutional Dimension" 162
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